- Control for synchronising the travelling speed of four identical 24 V- actuators on a Smoke and Heat Vent (SHV)
- The actuators are de-energised instantly if any of them should fail
- Power supply and control via the actuator output of a Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation System Control Centre (SHEVS Control Centre) or Ventilation Control
- SYN 4.1a: control for actuators type S08x, G08x, SG08x, S10x, G10x, SG10x
- SYN 4.2a: control for actuators type G13x, SG13x, G16x, SG16x, G20x, SG20x
- SYN 4.3a: control for actuators type G26x, SG26x
- SYN 4.4a: control for actuators type G40x, SG40x
The SYN mustn’t be operated with the SHEVS Control RWD 1 or the actuators G201, G205, G209, G401, G405, G409