• Centre for connection of 24V- actuators
  • SHEVS Control Centres type RWZ 6 are individually arranged as single modules consisting of SHE-, ventilation and power output groups. All modules of one SHE group will perform the SHE functions at the same time. SHE groups may consist of several ventilation groups. To increase the output current by 8A each, additional power output groups (extension modules) will be integrated

Type identification: RWZ 6.x.y-z

  • x: Number of SHE groups
  • y: Total number of ventilation groups
  • z: Total output current of system in amps (A) at 24V: 8A / 16A / 24A / 32A / 40A / 48A / 56A / 64A / 72A / 80A / 88A / 96A
  •  For higher output currents, please inquire